“As a first-generation student, I couldn't rely on my parents for some of the information I needed, but my CV advisor offered me extra assistance. I'm so happy that there was a place I could go to and complete my college applications, receive help editing essays, and get information about scholarships and workshops. CV has always supported me and encouraged me to pursue my goals because they believe in my potential to achieve success.”
Licelot Caraballo, College of the Holy Cross '21
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The College Access Program (CAP) provides the intensive, individualized advising that closes the gap between college aspirations and college enrollment for first-generation, low-income students.
Our Outcomes | For the Class of 2023, the highly successful CAP supported 46 low-income, first-generation 12th graders to apply to and enroll in college. In our 2022-23 CAP cohort, an impressive 98% of 12th graders enrolled in college in the fall.
The Need | In Providence, 84% of 12th graders plan to attend college, but only 55% enroll within 6 months of high school graduation (source: RI Kids Count). The average guidance counselor caseload is 350 students, a structural challenge that ensures few students have access to personalized college advising.